Loan Refund Calculator
The below calculator gives an idea of how much interest you will potentially be refunded with a claim due to interest charges. Any compensation paid would include an extra statutory interest on your refunded payments, which is not included in the below calculation. The actual compensation you receive could be substantially more, especially with old loans.
Use this loan interest calculator to give you a quick estimate of how much compensation you may be eligible to claim from a mis-sold loan. The calculator is intended as a guide only and is not a confirmation that a refund is due.
You will be directed to one of our partner's websites where you can complete your claim
For Hassle-Free Refunds
A claims specialist
can do all the hard work so you don't need to!
Simple Process
Making a claim is simple. With just a few details you can start your application.
No Win, No Fee
You are only charged after the claim has been won and you have your refund!
You do not need to use a claims management company to make your complaint to your lender. If your complaint is not successful you can refer it to the Financial Ombudsman Service yourself for free.
Who Can Reclaim Credit Card Charges?
Traditionally, credit card companies increase the card limit for customers who have maintained good repayment records on their accounts.
This can be a good thing. However, in many instances, proper affordability checks have not been undertaken as to whether the customer can really afford an increase in their credit limit.
As a result, accounts default and charges ensue. Customers with good credit standing are now struggling to maintain payments under the new limit.
Even in cases where payments continue to be made on time, customers may still struggle in paying priority debts or have to take out additional lending to meet their monthly credit card payments.
If this sounds familiar, take the time to fill out and submit our simple enquiry form. You might be eligible for a cash settlement, just like the thousands of individuals whom we have helped to get compensation.
A lender must check if credit is affordable when you apply for it.
If you can’t make the monthly repayments without difficulty, credit isn’t affordable. This means being able to pay all your normal household bills, expenses and your other debts.
If you have to borrow more most months, this would not be affordable. This could be borrowing on the same account – making a credit card repayment but then using the credit card to pay for food so the balance never drops is “borrowing more”.
You have to be able to repay debt within a reasonable period of time. Paying the minimum amount is OK for a short while, but if you did this for a long period, this suggests the debt isn’t affordable and your limit should not be increased.
A lender shouldn’t increase a credit limit without new checks. Just because you have been able to make your repayments so far doesn’t mean you can manage a larger limit!
If any of the above statements describe your credit card experience, you could be eligible to claim compensation. Start your claim below for professionals to guide you through the process.
No Win, No Fee
You are only charged after the claim has been won and you have your refund! The success fee is calculated as a percentage of the total compensation you receive. If we are not able to obtain an offer you will not be charged. You can read more about fees here.
If you cancel your agreement with us or break your agreement with us before the end of the process we will charge you a cancellation fee.
Why Use The Claims Guide For My Claim?
Help Maximising Claims - We will go through your previous borrowing and help you claim from an extensive list of lenders. Other claims companies will more likely turn you away if you are not claiming against one of their few approved lenders.
We Make It Easy - Claiming a refund can be a daunting task. We make it easy and ensure everything you need is included so you don't have to spend much time on it.
Professional - Each claim is different and specific circumstances that are relevant to the claim should be explained by a professional. The Financial Ombudsman has previously been unable to progress some complaints that involved a “template” or “standard letter”.
How Much Will I Receive If My Claim Is Successful?
If you successfully claim a refund from a lender, you can claim back the interest and charges on your loans, plus, typically, 8% statutory interest. For more information on how this is calculated click here.
What Information Do I Need to Provide?
You just need to provide the name of your lender and your personal details including the address that you lived at when registering with them. Once you have given these we can obtain details of any loans where a refund may be due.
How much will I be charged?
Claiming through us always works on a no win no fee basis, meaning you won't pay a thing unless you win compensation. You will have the right to cancel the agreement within 14 days with no penalty. If you cancel after 14 days you may be charged for work done up until the time of cancellation. We use multiple partners to ensure we are able to offer claims against all lenders, from whom we receive payments. The exact fee structure will depend on which lender you are claiming against, as this decides which of our partners is most suitable for your claim. A breakdown of our fee structure can be seen here. The fees for Diesel Emissions Claims are calculated differently due to it being a group action lawsuit.
How Do I Submit My Claim?
Simply complete our online application form by clicking on the "Get Started" button. This is the first stage of your complaint to the payday lender where you could receive compensation. For more information on the process please click here.